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CSE/ISE/AI&ML Are the Most Exciting Fields That Offer Rewarding Opportunities!

After completing class 12th, it’s a chance for a candidate to pursue the dream program of engineering. While choosing the right stream of engineering one has to consider two important parameters, Passion, and Career opportunity after graduation In my view all disciplines of engineering are good but the Computer Science/Information Science/ Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning has an edge over other disciplines, now the question is why? How? Justification? To answer, let us understand the industrial revolution and the current industry standard and expectation.
Industry 1.0 (End of the 18th century) Introducing Mechanical production machines powered by water and steam Industry 2.0 (Beginning of the 20th century) Introducing mass production lines powered by Electric Industry 3.0 (Beginning of the 70th) Through the use of Electronics and IT further progression in autonomous production Industry 4.0 (Today) Based on Cyber-Physical-Systems, AI&ML, Data Science, Cyber Security, Cloud, Mobile App, Robotics and animation, Gaming and virtual reality and many more.
By looking into this it is evident that every industry today is driven by data and organizations going digital, it’s clear that the current trend is towards information technology and automation, and this is set to remain the case for the predictable future – entering these sectors is as safe a play as you could hope for. The fastest-growing fields are those in the ITsphere. So, without further justification, here are few top career options for Computer Engineers. Top Career Options after Computer/Information/AI&ML Engineering Full Stack Developer, Cyber Security expert, Hardware Engineer, Big Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Systems Manager, Web Developer, Database Administrator, IT Architect, Network Administrator, System Analyst, Security Analyst, Blockchain Developer, Information Researcher, Game Developer, Health Information Technician, Software Testing, Business Intelligence Analyst, App Developer Top skills to be relevant in Industry 4.0: Complex Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity, People Management, Coordinating with others, Emotional Intelligence, Judgment and Decision Making, Communication, Multitasking, Cognitive Flexibility
BY: Prof. C K Marigowda Head-Department of Information Science Engineering Deputy Director- International Collaborations Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore
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